Term 2 Reflection

During term two of Information Technology, I learned how to use spreadsheets and ways to program Scratch. Spreadsheets are useful tools; with the right codes, you can get a spreadsheet to do your math homework for you. Spreadsheets are also good for making charts or tallying up marks. Before we started on spreadsheets, we were asked to use Scratch to make games; this was a great way to get us used to programming/manipulating a program to do what you want it to.I’m looking forward to term three and hope that we get to learn how to use a different game-making software because it would be helpful to be able to make games of different types.

Scratch Games

This link takes you to a folder of Scratch games made by yours truly.


A) The first game I made was “Nine Lives,” the player controls a cat with their mouse and try to avoid a dragon while collecting kibble.

B) Second game was “Pong,” a two-player ping-pong game. Player one uses “w” and “s” keys while player two uses “up” and “down” arrows to prevent the ball from hitting their side of the screen.

C) The third game was a maze game in which the player controls a cat using the arrow keys to try to get to the door.

D) “Apicolypse” is a first-person shooting game. The player controls a gun with their mouse and space bar to shoot.

Term 1 Reflection

After spending around two and a half months on the Information Technology course led by Mr. Kam, I have learned how to use many different free online tools. I got a chance to learn how to use presentation tools like Google Presentation, blog making tools such as WordPress, and picture creators including Pixton and FloorPlanner. I used these tools to create things like slideshows, comics, and blog entries. Many of these tools can help me in the future, I could use Google Presentation or Pixton to make a decent presentation for my other classes, they could also be used to present ideas if I choose to become a business woman or an entrepreneur.